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Atreus Study

Restructuring and transformation 2021


Driven by the restructuring and transformation volume in Germany, this study shows that traditional business models need to be rethought and innovations need to be driven forward. Digitization has a special role to play here.

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The corona pandemic as well as the advancing digitalization make it clear that Germany’s companies have no choice but to transform themselves organizationally and develop new business models. In this context, the urge for change is increasing in all areas, while at the same time there is great optimism with regard to economic development over the next 12 months.

These are the findings of the new Atreus study “Restructuring and Transformation 2021”. For this study, a total of 1,325 top managers were surveyed in May 2021, including around 425 top executives and 900 interim managers. The study provides exclusive insights into corporate development, market conditions and business drivers.

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„Transformation und Digitalisierung sind die am meisten missverstandenen Buzz­-Wörter unserer Zeit. Beides darf kein Selbstzweck “Transformation and digitalization are the most misunderstood buzz words of our time. Neither should be an end in itself because it is so hip right now to transform and digitize. Transformation requires a clear vision, a north star that points the way and creates understanding among people for decisions and answers the “why?”,” says Dr. Christian Frank, Atreus Partner, Member of the Executive Board and Head of Machinery and Plant Engineering. But what are the main drivers of transformation in the German economy?

Laut der Studie ist es zum einen – wenig überraschend – die Digitalisierung (73 Prozent), der Innovationsdruck (67 Prozent) sowie According to the study, it is first – unsurprisingly – digitization (73 percent), the pressure to innovate (67 percent), and sustainability and climate change (58 percent). Around 43 percent believe that there are major deficits in digitization in particular, but that the first good initiatives have been launched.