Case Study
Stabilization of Quality Processes at Automotive Supplier
De-escalation at Supplier for Vehicle Electronics
Company Details
- Tier 1 | Automotive supply industry
- Global production network with over 400 subsidiaries and regional companies in 60 countries
- Over 400,000 employees with sales of approx. €88b
- Sensors, transmission control units and the 48V battery are manufactured at the affected production site
Situation and Challenge
- The highest quality escalation mode in place
- Production output decreasing due to various inefficiencies (product, production, processes)
- Customer expectations regarding the handling of complaints and the organization of quality issues in the OEM / Tier 1 interface were not fulfilled
- Employees of the quality department were no longer accepted by the OEM, there was no trustful cooperation
Objective and Task
- Analysis and resolution of field complaints (OEM customer plants)
- Coordination and execution of sampling (incl. interface departments)
- Project management, support volume increase, status & result presentations
Results and Achievements
- De-escalation of the quality status after 3 months
- Implementation of a KPI system
- Target date of sampling scope reached
- Establishment and development of internal communication channels (development, quality planning, production); involvement of the affected areas
- Trust of cooperation between OEM and Tier 1 established (top management and working level)
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